SiteBehaviour Analytics has a Wordpress plugin to help install our Tracking Code on sites that use WordPress. You don't need to be on a paid plan with SiteBehaviour to use this plugin.

Installing the plugin on self-hosted versions of WordPress  is free.
Step-by-Step Guide: WordPress Plugin
1. On your WordPress dashboard, click Add New within the WordPress Plugins menu.
2. Search for SiteBehaviour and click Install Now on the official SiteBehaviour plugin.
3 .After the installation is finished, click on Activate.
4. On youcopy the Site ID for your WordPress site.
5. Inside the WordPress Settings menu, click on SiteBehaviour.
6. Paste your SiteBehaviour Site ID within the text field.
7. Click Save Changes.
8. Ensure the installation was successful.
If your website undergoes a major design change after you install the Tracking Code, check to ensure your Tracking Code is still installed. Design changes may cause the Tracking Code to be removed, which will prevent SiteBehaviour from collecting data.
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