We believe in quality

Screen Recordings

Live Playbacks of  visitor interactions on your website to gain a detailed understanding of their online journey, Analyzing these details and make informed optimizations, improving overall user experience and engagement.

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Increase Conversion Rates

Watch your website come to life with our powerful Session Recordings feature. Gain unparalleled insights into user behavior by visualizing their interactions with your site in real-time.

User Behaviour Insights

Issue Idenitification

Conversion Optimization

User Experience Analysis

See exactly how visitors engage with your website in real-time. Session recordings provide a visual playback of user sessions, allowing you to witness clicks, scrolls, and interactions with forms and buttons.

Error Identification and Troubleshooting

Session recordings are valuable for identifying errors or glitches users may encounter during their session. By pinpointing the specific steps users take before encountering issues, you can efficiently troubleshoot and address technical problems, enhancing the overall reliability of your website.

Get complete visibility and control


Visualise User engagement with Click , scroll and mouse movement heatmaps.

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Screen Recordings

Watch your website come to life with our powerful Session Recordings feature.

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Customer Journey Map

Graphically see how people are navigating your website and the paths they took.

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