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Custom Events

Personalize your analytics experience by incorporating custom events that hold significance for your unique requirements. Tailor the data to focus on events that matter most to you, providing a more targeted and relevant insight.

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Deeper User Behaviour Analysis

Unlock a world of supplementary features designed to supercharge your analytics experience.

Targeted Data Collection

Conversion Tracking

Flexible Adaptation

Targeted Data Collection

Custom events in analytics enable targeted data collection by allowing users to define and track specific user interactions or actions that align with their unique business objectives.

Flexible Adaptation

Custom events offer flexibility for businesses to adapt their analytics strategy based on evolving needs. As business goals or user behaviors change, users can modify and introduce new custom events.

Get complete visibility and control


Visualise User engagement with Click , scroll and mouse movement heatmaps.

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Screen Recordings

Watch your website come to life with our powerful Session Recordings feature.

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Customer Journey Map

Graphically see how people are navigating your website and the paths they took.

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