
What is Web Analytics ?

January 4, 2024

Think of web analytics as your website's own detective. It's like having someone keep an eye on your website and telling you everything about the people who visit - where they come from, what they like, and what they do.

Why is it needed ?

Imagine you have a shop, and you want to know which products are popular and where your customers are coming from. Web analytics does the same for your website. It tells you which pages people like, how long they stay, and how they find your site.

Web analytics can help you to keep your customers, draw in additional visitors, and boost the amount of money each customer invests.

How can it help you ?

  1. Visitor Count: It shows how many people come to your site in real-time and from which sources. Is it just a few, a lot.
  2. Popular Pages: Web analytics tells you which pages on your site get the most attention. Which pages the audience is visiting the most.
  3. Screen Recordings: See recording of visitors interactions within your website to get more insights on visitor's journey
  4. Multiple Heatmaps: Identify on which parts of the page, the users are spending the most time . You can use Click, Scroll and mouse movement Heatmaps to visualize the engagement
  5. Device Details: Know which device your users are using to access your website . Which Browsers, device type and from which location are they engaging .
  6. User Journey Maps: Know which device your users are using to access your website . Which Browsers, device type and from which location are they engaging .

Importance of Behavioural web analytics for businesses

  • Web analytics is the measurement, analysis, and reporting of website data to understand and optimize its performance. It involves collecting and analyzing data on website traffic, user behavior, conversions, and other key metrics.
  • Web analytics is important for businesses because it provides valuable insights into how their website is performing and how users are interacting with it.
  • By understanding this data, businesses and large companies can make data-driven decisions to improve their website's user experience, increase conversions, drive business growth, and complete business goals.
  • Web analytics can help businesses track the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns, identify areas for improvement on their website, and gain a deeper understanding of their target audience.
  • Overall, web analytics is an essential tool for businesses to measure and optimize the success of their online presence.
  • Web analytics helps businesses sell more by figuring out what products customers might want to buy. It also helps to know which products a particular customer is likely to get. This way, businesses can make more money compared to what they spend on marketing.
  • Web analytics also looks at how customers move around a website, where they come from, and checks what they do online. The information is shown using tables, charts, and graphs. This helps businesses understand and improve how they sell things on the internet and do website optimization in a better way.

What metrics should be tracked in web analytics?

There are a variety of metrics that can be tracked in web analytics, depending on your specific goals and objectives. Some common metrics include:

  1. Website traffic: Web traffic metrics such as the number of visitors to your site, page views, and unique visitors.
  2. Conversion rate: This measures the percentage of visitors who complete a desired action on your website, such as making a purchase or filling out a form.
  3. Bounce rate: This is the percentage of visitors who leave your website after viewing only one page. A high bounce rate may indicate that visitors are not finding what they are looking for or that your website is not engaging enough.
  4. Average session duration: This measures how long visitors spend on your website on average. A longer average session duration may indicate that your content is engaging and keeping visitors on your site.
  5. Referral sources: This tracks where your website traffic is coming from, such as search engines, social media platforms, or other websites.
  6. Conversion funnel: This measures the steps that users take to convert on your website, tracking each stage of the process from the initial visit to the final conversion.
  7. User Journey Map:: Gain valuable insights into user behavior by visually tracking the routes they follow during their online experience.

Categories of web analytics

Web analytics can be broadly categorized into two types: on-site and off-site analytics.

On-site analytics

On-site analytics refers to the process of collecting and analyzing data on a website's performance and user behavior. This includes metrics such as page views, bounce rate, time spent on site, and conversion rates.

On-site analytics tools like Google Analytics help website owners understand how visitors interact with their site, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions to optimize their online presence. By tracking on-site analytics regularly, businesses can gain insights into their target audience's preferences and behaviors and adjust their strategy accordingly.

Off-site analytics

Off-site analytics is the process of analyzing website data that occurs outside of your own site. This includes analyzing traffic sources, backlinks, social media metrics, and other external factors that may affect your website's performance.

By tracking off-site analytics, you can gain insights into how users are finding and interacting with your website from external sources. This information can help inform your SEO and digital marketing strategies to improve overall website performance and drive more traffic to your site.

Most Popular Web Analytics Tools

Web analytics tools are essential for any business or website owner looking to track and analyze their online traffic. These tools provide valuable insights into user behavior, including how visitors navigate your site, which pages are the most popular, and where visitors are coming from. By leveraging web analytics tools, you can make data-driven decisions to improve your website's performance and drive more traffic to your site.

There is a whole range of tools you can use for web analytics, including tools that traditionally specialize in product analytics or experience analytics. Some of these include:

Jashan Singh
Software Developer